Around 70% of the online ad revenues is going to only 5 companies in the US in ‘11, with Google continuing to take a massive 41% of every ad dollar spent (wow), Yahoo 11%, Facebook a healthy 7%, Microsoft 6.1% and finally AOL 2.7%.
The good news for Microsoft on the search revenue front is, that they are forecasting to be growing their search revenues even quicker than Google – something that’s easier achieved, coming from a weaker position. “Microsoft’s solid growth rates are due to the overall efficiency of the Bing search engine in delivering relevant results to searchers, as well as the company’s marketing of Bing to encourage more usage,” (David Hallerman, eMarketer principal analyst)
However, so far it looks like Bing’s gain isn't Google's loss, but AOL’s and Yahoo’s. And while I agree, 2 is better than one (go Bing, give Google a run for their money), are two enough to have a good ‘honest’ competition? Although I may be getting ahead of myself with that, as according to, Google is forecasting to write 77.7% of the search ad revenue in 2012, versus Microsoft, who is forecasting 10%... well, give them a run for their money – eventually.

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