Appreciation by
Friday, 23 December 2011
Monday, 19 December 2011
Saturday, 10 December 2011
50 word story: Soul searching
She knew she needed a vision. She was staring at the blank screen, trying to find the one thing she really liked doing and she was passionate about. She realised the answer wouldn’t pop out of her head. She needed to seriously take stock of her skills and her interests.
Friday, 2 December 2011
People Are So Outraged At Coca-Cola's Holiday Cans That It's Abandoning Them After Just One Month
Is it just me, or this is really that funny?? (and textbook material on ‘brand building, what not to do’)
And got this:
picture source
I can almost see ‘the confused person’, opening the can, taking a much considered first sip, savouring it, savouring it, and finally concluding that ‘this stuff definitely doesn’t taste the same’…oh dear! Coke, bring back your signature brand colour.
Bring it back fast. And so they are doing exactly that after a month of the failed, silver polar bear packaging. Milk is white and coke is red (on the outside at least). And no more funny business please.
This is a brand we know and trust.
Yes. In (red) Coke we trust.
People Are So Outraged At Coca-Cola's Holiday Cans That It's Abandoning Them After Just One Month