"In the next 10 years, there will be 1.2bn young people looking for work and only 300m jobs to go around."
What's the solution?
Should job-hogging over-50s all resign? The BBC's Lucy Kellaway thinks so.
As witty as the article is, I can't help but wonder just how much would such a sacrifice from the older & wiser increase the sense of entitlement in the minds of the 20-30-something. People should be required to work hard, in order to appreciate. It increases their appreciation and eventuates in a happier and more satisfied worker.
This of course doesn't solve the above problem, but I think tackling inequality would be a strong first step. Just a few (of my utopistic) ideas top of my head is to encourage more co-op style workplaces, replicate Danish taxing, cap possessions (property). Those are my thoughts - what are yours?