Monday 2 August 2010

The magical 7 & it’s never too late to learn

I just read a great psychology study to support the belief that the capacity of short-term, working memory is 7 +/-2 (Miller) and the fact that it’s never too late to learn and memorise, even if it’s a 60,000 word epic poem…

”Pounding the treadmill in 1993, John Basinger, aged 58, decided to complement his physical exercise by memorising the 12 books, 10,565 lines and 60,000 words that comprise the Second Edition of John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost. Nine years later he achieved his goal, performing the poem from memory over a three-day period.
Just how did JB manage to pull off this incredible feat? He studied for about one hour per day, reciting verses in seven-line chunks, consistent with Miller's magic number seven - the capacity of short-term, working memory.

Read the rest here.

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