Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Pace of change in digital advertising

Adobe's ad sums it up in a minute!

Woo Woo? - YouTube"

Teens of today are hyper-connected

Great infographics from Google to provide a reality check on today's youth's digital consumption habits.

source: http://ssl.gstatic.com/think/docs/the-media-habits-of-teens-and-young-adults_infographics.pdf

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

DoubleClick unintentionally exposes millions to advertising based malware

DoubleClick, an internet advertising technology and service firm, also a subsidiary of Google, has unintentionally served millions of infected advertising to millions of people on a few popular and well visited sites such as Last.fm. Once the pages rendered, and the online banner adverts loaded, they dropped the Zemot malware on to the computers of those visitors.

Shocking? Perhaps. But it's just human nature. There will always be people who want to take shortcuts and exploit loopholes.

Could have happened to any other advertising technology firm - and likely it happens daily. Implications for Google? They are not infallible.

More here: DoubleClick Malware Exposes Millions to Ad-based Infection — VPN Creative

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Quote of the day

"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow"

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, 18 September 2014

With New Ad Measure, The Economist Emphasizes Quality Over Quantity - CMO Today - WSJ

Engagement. Stickiness. Time spent.

What brands want; and The Economist is looking into ways of providing just that for online advertisers by measuring (and of course charging by) the visitors's dwell time. Or in other words the time they spend on the site.

"The Economist is rolling out new set of audience measurements for advertisers on its mobile applications and website, hoping to lure more digital ad dollars by highlighting how much time readers spend with its content.

 The publication will guarantee advertisers buying space on its apps and web site  that readers will spend a certain amount of time with their ads. For example, it will guarantee that an ad that appears for three weeks on its apps will receive 100 hours of reader’s attention."

More at: With New Ad Measure, The Economist Emphasizes Quality Over Quantity - CMO Today - WSJ

Monday, 15 September 2014

Programmatic bidding: Buy, buy, baby | The Economist

Insight into the exciting world of programmatic advertising:

"JONA MICI, A 27-year-old media trader, sits in front of her screen at Varick Media Management, a real-time advertising company in New York, and explains how she uses superfast algorithms to buy 20m-30m advertising “impressions” a day. Today one of her clients, an American bank, has asked her to find new customers. At first she guides the algorithm to buy as many impressions as possible near bank branches. Then she narrows her targets, choosing criteria that produce a better hit rate. For example, she finds that tablet users sign up more often than iPhone users, and afternoon seems to be a better time than morning. She instructs the algorithm to bid more for consumers that have recently visited the bank’s website, who may be more easily persuaded. In her office less than two miles from Wall Street, Ms Mici embodies the excitement and entrepreneurialism of an industry in the midst of momentous change."

more at: Programmatic bidding: Buy, buy, baby | The Economist

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Give me a reason to sign up

In a world where we are already time poor and marketers compete for that little attention we are willing to give, they have to make the offer enticing and snappy.

USP (Unique Selling Point) mastered by Tumblr.

202.6 million blogs
90.9 billion posts
30 seconds to sign up

PS. Cultural Offering Blog has a fresh new look.

Programmatic Advertising Ad Spend Doubles in 2014 - Yahoo Advertising

A full 10% of all digital advertising around the world is now bought through programmatic channels, according to a new report by the World Federation of Advertisers.
The group surveyed more than 40 top global advertisers with a combined estimated ad spend of $35 billion and found their investment in 
programmatic buying has doubled since last year’s survey.

More at Programmatic Advertising Ad Spend Doubles in 2014 - Yahoo Advertising

Book on leadership

This book was just added to my 'want to read' list for two reasons.

1. That first paragraph hooked me in. (more at: Execupundit.com: First Paragraph)

2. Michael Wade knows about Leadership.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Mondelēz innovation head Pete Mitchell: Media agencies need to ‘grow up’ and stop arbitrage - mUmBRELLA

The debate is heating up about the arbitrage media agencies making on programmatic advertising.

Great comments from Pete Mitchell (from Mondelez) on how agencies can justify their commission on those ad dollars which are spent on programmatic.

"“If media agencies say to us [the client]: ‘We’ll make a bigger margin out of you from programmatic than we do for other media channels, because we have the technology and we’re making products and services for you that you don’t have, but we’ll disclose what the margin is – that’s fine,” said Mitchell."

More at Mondelēz innovation head Pete Mitchell: Media agencies need to ‘grow up’ and stop arbitrage - mUmBRELLA

Friday, 5 September 2014

Programmatic transparency

The amount of ad dollars spent on programmatic advertising has grown exponentially in the last few years. At the same time so have marketers' desire to know exactly where those ad dollars are spent, which sites their banners ad appear, and that the clicks they received for genuine. Those agencies, trading desks, SSPs, DSPs who can demonstrate that they can successfully safeguard advertisers' campaigns will see this become a much desired advantage and a strong unique selling point.

"The overarching question for advertisers of all sizes is how they actually know that they have received what they have paid for. With click fraud so rampant, it's an area that a brand would rightfully want assurance on.

The crucial issue for the big brands is how they can be sure their brand name doesn't get put against inappropriate material."

An another big question is the ownership of data. Once a tag is dropped on the advertisers' website, the ads are uploaded onto the ad server and the campaign begins, all sort of website data can be harnessed and kept. Who do you allow to have access to such intimate details about your business is vital. "Programmatic makes a lot of sense when executed professionally with reputable partners -- and when it comes to partners, there are many technology-based vendors and platforms coming forward which can either be a resource that agencies use or just as easily, a tool that advertisers use directly without the aid of an agency."

More at Programmatic Transparency Could Drive A Wedge Between Clients And Agencies 09/04/2014

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Seth's Blog: Turning passion on its head

So true.

Instead of seeking to do what you love, just simply love what you do.

It's all about attitude.

More at Seth's Blog: Turning passion on its head

Programmatic Thinking - are you ready for the change?

Great article on 'programmatic'.

"The speed with which programmatic advertising has taken over the industry has been breath-taking.  From nowhere a few years ago, $12 billion of advertising was purchased programmatically in 2013 and the forecast for 2017 is $33 billion (Magna Global report).  86% of advertising executives and 76% of brand marketers are using programmatic techniques to buy ads and 90% of them indicate they intend to increase their usage by half in the next 6 months (AOL survey). "

More at: Programmatic Thinking - Business Insider

Monday, 1 September 2014

shake it up with Nicholas Bate

"Dress better. Smarter. With care and thought. Surprise them. Turn up on time; amaze them. Drop cynicism: shock them."

More at Nicholas Bate's blog.

Eclecticity Light - where less is more.

Ten tricks to appear smart on meetings. Gold. Eclecticity Light. Where less is less.

A personal note...

Ten years in media. Radio, Print, Magazines, Online, and Performance Media. Then ten months in the steel business. Then for the last two weeks back into Programmatic & RTB space. That's my work experience summed up, with an interesting detour - and while I wouldn't have it any other way, media & advertising, it's good to be back.

Programmatic, Not Automatic: Why Agencies Still Matter 09/02/2014

Great article by MediaPost on why Agencies still matter.

"just as automated trading systems don’t make financial traders superfluous, neither does programmatic ad buying eliminate the human element. There is still a lot of human capital involved in setting up, running, managing and executing programmatic ad campaigns. Each brand will need to decide for itself how much of a role it wants to play, and what the functions of agencies will be."

More at Programmatic, Not Automatic: Why Agencies Still Matter 09/02/2014