Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Quote of the day

'Our emotions are the most crucial part of our lives because they directly determine the kind of people we will be. If you have a bad temper that regularly erupts, you are an angry person. If you act kindly with a soft heart, you are a compassionate person. Whichever emotion you most often exhibit will become the defining characteristic of your being. Thus understanding and controlling our emotions is key to becoming the people we want to be.'
Shmuley Boteach, Kosher emotions

Monday, 29 November 2010

Flattery perfected

Thanks to CulturalOffering.com for posting this on The art of brown-nosing.
Sheer genius. I have doubts in being able to use it, but at least now I can see who does!!

There is nothing…

I don’t love about this picture:
From My iPhone: It May Be NY, NY - Nicholas Bate

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Inside artist Ben Johnson’s studio

Working and creating within boundaries is intrinsic to art. A writer uses paper and pen to awaken our senses (i.e. smell, hear, feel), a poet needs to fit the words into a row no longer than a few words, and a painter needs to reduce reality to two dimensions. And that’s why Ben Johnson’s work is admirable. You almost want to step inside his pictures and wonder around…
In the below video he ‘takes us on a tour of his Hammersmith studio, where he creates his haunting, half-real and half-imagined interiors and cityscapes’. (wallpaper)

The British artist is most famous of his city landscapes, mainly that of Liverpool (see how that one was created here) that took 11 assistants, 24,000 hours to complete.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Execupundit.com: The Other Side

‘The best managers, like the best lawyers, know how to argue the other side of the case.’
Execupundit.com: The Other Side

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Quote of the day

'Some men see things as they are and ask why.
Others dream things that never were and ask why not.'

George Bernard Shaw

(in Kosher Emotions by Shmuley Boteach)

How eating a cookie can harm your career…

‘The Australian-born Dr Stephen Duckett, who has been dubbed the "Cookie Monster", left a meeting with health care leaders in Edmonton eating a cookie and refused to talk to waiting media about the health crisis in the Canadian province of Alberta’
(read more

Monday, 22 November 2010

Google speaks highly of competition…

…when they are asked whether they are concerned regulators could force their break-up because of their huge market share in search engines. (Source: Newswire)
Well, if you phrase it that way, than the market is certainly very competitive according to Patrick Pichette, Google’s CFO, where ‘Microsoft is a formidable competitor. They're really smart’.
He also compared the current search engine market to a race on the treadmill for innovation, where if you ever slow down, there is a catch-up that would take no time at all.
Of course there is no stopping either Google or Bing, when it comes to innovation, and everyone likes the underdog. Even if that’s Microsoft.
(disclosure: I’m currently employed by the latter and loving it.)

Saturday, 20 November 2010


with Execupundit. It’s plain nuts indeed: a concert in Japan where the performer is a hologram…

Friday, 19 November 2010

Volkswagen: Fun Theory Speed Camera Lottery - Video - Creativity Online

There is something truly powerful about rewarding good behaviour.
Based on this approach, San Francisco based Kevin Richardson dreamt up the ‘speed camera lottery’ concept, rewarding good driving behaviour, that is obeying the speed limit, and penalising bad driving behaviour.
Volkswagen deemed the concept so good that their creative agency, DDB, brought the idea to life, at a busy intersection in Stockholm. Check out the video!

Volkswagen: Fun Theory Speed Camera Lottery - Video - Creativity Online

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Swimming pool with a view, Milsons Point, Sydney

At the end of the day...

What a great day! ninemsn organised an event with international speakers to talk about the online advertising market 'fast forward 5' years.

I've been quiet with blogging for the past couple of weeks, mainly due to lack of time (as I'm trying to organise an event of my own), but today really recharged my batteries with motivation and creative energy and made me realise (again) that I really love the advertising industry. There is just so much good stuff that comes out of it! Will be back with more soon!

At Luna Park, Sydney

Where ninemsn is holding the DMS event today.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Why do people say cats have nine lives?

This is why…
The post that took me there in the first place is High alert by CulturalOffering.com.

Eclecticity’s raging red bull

‘Accept everything they [those in Washington] are proposing at face value and just f%)*#ing do it. Don't read it.  Just do it.  It is goring everybody's ox in one way or another.’

Read his thoughts here.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Fascinating accents

Watch Shakespeare performed in his own accent here. Courtesy of Political Calculations. Thank you, I as someone who is fascinated by accents, thoroughly enjoyed it!

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Funny because it’s spot on…

Political Calculations analysed a spam email that promises money (an obvious scam) using great humour, and with observations that are spot on. Con artists thrive on the internet, praying on the unassuming mostly. We need a higher level of awareness (and alertness), and need to educate especially those who are most susceptible. What better way to do it, then using a bit of humour! Love your work Ironman!

I'm considering this as my nameday present from the blogosphere for the 10th November

Monday, 8 November 2010

Goodie! Book list!

…and since I more often borrow (from the library) then buy, I need options – in case the one I wanted in the first place is not on the shelf when I need it.
So thanks to Execupundit for posting Amazon’s list of 100 best books of 2010 here.


Culturaloffering.com is Tempted. So am I. Him to buy (I assume), and me to try to make one…

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Your faith is in your hands…

Consider your options with Nicholas Bate.

The importance of your digital image

Quote from the book, The new experts by R.H. Bloom, courtesy of Execupundit, on the importance of a company’s digital image right here.

You can’t please everyone

and you should never aim to. Seth explains why.
Seth's Blog: Alienating the 2%

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Where does…

Eclecticity finds all this stuff?
If you are not reading his blog, you are missing out!

How slow can you read?

No, really. Can you read slow, really slow?
Check out Execupundit why!

Friday, 5 November 2010

Presentation aid

very hand link posted by Nicholas Bate – thank you, lots of good useful stuff on the site!